
The Diverse Soundtracks of Adam Sandler Films

Whether or not Adam Sandler movies are actually worth watching - and HERC says a few are - almost all have really good soundtracks worth a listen.

This mammoth 500+ song playlist contains not only music from Sandler's starring roles in BILLY MADISON (1995) through JACK AND JILL (2012) it includes the many movies his production company (Happy Madison) has produced for his pals David Spade, Kevin James and Rob Schneider, amongst others.

Credit the music supervisors on these films for an eclectic mix ranging from the Forties up through today including cover versions (see 50 FIRST DATES), mash-ups (see JUST GO WITH IT) and popular songs performed by characters in the movie (see THE WEDDING SINGER).

FULL DISCLOSURE:  This post originally appeared in a slightly different form on the now dormant Seven With Devyn blog - head on over there, read the posts and then join HERC in imploring Devyn to get back on the blogwagon.