K-Tel Kollection 1973-1984

***UPDATED MARCH 7, 2025***
I began the K-Tel Kollection 1973-1984 blog in September 2013 after a few K-Tel album posts here on The Hideaway proved incredibly popular. After deciding to feature all the albums in my K-Tel album collection, I made it through seventy-five albums when the blog went dormant in January 2019. In March 2025, K-Tel Kollection 1973-1984 resumed publication with the first of the final nine originally planned posts featuring the remainder of the K-Tel albums from 1984.

Below is an alphabetical list of the albums featured on K-Tel Kollection 1973-1984. Each title links to the original post. Orange titles are coming soon, while the pink title is the latest post.

36 Super Gold Hits (1976)Get Dancin' (1983)Pure Gold Collection (1977)
After Hours (1982)Gold Rush 79 (1979)Pure Magic (1983)
The Beat (1982)The Heart of Rock (1982)Pure Power (1977)
Best of Bowie (1980)Heartbeat of the 80's (1983)Pure Rock (1981)
Blast Off (1982)High Energy (1979)Radio Active (1982)
Block Buster (1976)Hit Explosion (1983)Rainbow (1980)
Body Moves (1984)Hit Express (1982)Reflections (1979)
Certified Gold (1981)The Hit List (1982)Right On (1976)
Chart Action '83 (1983)Hit Machine (1976)Rock '80 (1980)
ChartBusters (1984)Hit Mix (1984)Rock '81 (1981) CAN
Circuit Breaker (1979)Hitline (1979)Rock '82 (1982) CAN
Dancer (1981)Horizons (1981)Rock '83 (1983) CAN
Dancing Madness (1983)Hot Nights & City Lights (1979)The Rock Album (1980)
Danger! High Voltage (1981)The Hot Ones (1978)The Seals & Crofts Collection (1979)
Dimensions (1981)Hot Tracks (1983)Songbird (1981)
Disco Dynamite (1976)Images (1980)Sound System (1984)
Disco Fire (1978)Let's Beat It (1984)Sound Waves (1980)
Disco Mania (1975)Love Is... (1982)Sounds Spectacular (1975)
Disco Motion (1977)Manilow Magic (1982)Spotlight (1979)
Disco Nights (1979)Mind Bender (1976)Star Power (1978)
Disco Rocket (1977)Music Explosion (1977)Starburst (1978)
Dynamite (1974)Music Express (1975)Starflight (1979)
Electric Boogie (1984)Music Machine (1977)Starlite (1983)
The Elite (1981)Music Magic (1978)Stars (1977)
Emotions (1978)N.U. R.O.C.K. (1982)Street Beat (1984)
Emotions (1984)Neon Nights (1982)The Summit (1980) UK
Expressions (1980)Night Flight (1982)Super Star Collection (1978)
Expressions (1984)Night Moves (1979) UKSuperhits of the Superstars (1975)
Fantastic (1973)Out Of Sight (1975)Together (1979)
Formula 20 (1984)Power House (1976)Video Stars (1980) UK
Full Tilt (1981)Power Play (1980)Wings of Sound (1980)

Brandon Hixson's The Best Albums K-Tel Never Made:

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